
2009年6月23日 星期二


2009年6月21日, 聖彼得堡時報(SP Times)一連三天刊登山達基特輯報道,四名前山達基海洋機構最高主管人員首次大爆內幕。

馬蒂拉思 (Marty Rathbun),1977年20歲入教,2004年離教,山達基主席大衛密斯凱維吉的副手,湯姆克魯斯的聽析員,從美國稅局獲取宗教地位的主要人物,協議上簽名人之一。「音樂椅」事件之後決定離教。

麥克雲特 (Mike Rinder),前山達基首席發言人。2007年英國廣播公司事件後不久離教。

湯姆獲治 (Tom De Vocht),向教會懺悔浪費一千萬美元。

艾米士高比(Amy Scobee) 1978年14歲入教,2005年離教,在加州國際基地當經理20年,建立環球的名人網絡,包括好萊塢明星。因工作關係,見證密斯凱維吉的毒打下屬太多而離教。

四人見證主席大衛密斯凱維吉經常毒打下屬,女職員除外,被打者不能還手,否則會受到更嚴重的處罰。 除了女主管士高比之外,全體也承認打下屬,這是海洋機構的風氣,不是打人便是被打。


沒有人還手,士高比説:「你沒有錢,您沒有工作經驗,您沒有任何東西,他可以把你丟棄街道上,摧毀你。 」

拉思承認,在麗莎麥克弗森事件中,他下令銷毀罪證。1995年,麥克弗森發生小交通意外,救護員懷疑她有精神病,把她送醫院觀察,院中山達基職員聽聞,召教會派人把她接到清水市,山達基所有的哈里森堡酒店,看護她的工作人員來自不同部門,包括薪金主任,檔案員,秘書,人事主任,保安員和倆名圖書館館員。監督是詹尼斯約翰遜,是教會的醫務人員,在佛羅里達州無醫生牌。麥克弗森不肯飲食,倆星期多後死亡,有嚴重脫水、缺乏移動、被蟑螂咬的跡像。在麥克弗森最後的五年裡,她至少花了 $176,700 美元在山達基上,並留下 $5,773 在教會的帳戶中。她死時儲蓄帳戶有11美元。事件不久前,密斯凱維吉宣布她已抵達了清新者的地步。



更重要的是,教會提供了四人的「道德檔案」(ethics files),是他們在教時懺悔的保密記錄,但被公開了。拉思的懺悔有說謊,打人,替教會損失四千三百萬美元。雲特的懺悔有說謊43次。士高比的懺悔,細節地形容在辦公室內的婚外性行為,男的是她的現任丈夫。獲治懺悔浪費了一千萬美元。



The Associated Press has moved the story on its wire service, from where it has been picked up more than 177 times by newspaper and television Web sites across the country. Among them the Huffington Post ( http://tiny.cc/pmKg9 ), the Chicago Sun-Times ( http://tiny.cc/hbjf9 ) and the Los Angeles Times ( http://tiny.cc/63mHs ) and MSNBC ( http://tiny.cc/RlcD2 ).

The media Web site Gawker has this report ( http://tiny.cc/4rwgB ) today:

Tampa Bay Paper Throws Down Hard-Hitting Scientology Report

"The St. Petersburg Times is running a massive report on Scientology, focusing on leader David Miscavige and high-ranking defectors spilling on him. Revealed: Miscavige's sadistic temper. Like when he made staffers play "violent'' musical chairs, scored to Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.''

The L.A. Weekly blog has a piece headlined

Newspaper describes Scientology beatings

In reads ( http://tiny.cc/w6VLr ) in part, "Although the St. Petersburg Times' three-part series on L.A.-based Scientology and its enigmatic leader, David Miscavige, mostly focuses on the church's Clearwater, Florida operations, there's a deep Los Angeles background to some of the stories involving beatings that have allegedly become an institutional practice among senior staffers. Part One begins with a violent game of music chairs played out in a small office building outside L.A., where Miscavige had been holding church executives as virtual prisoners for weeks.''

On Andrew Breitbart presents Big Hollywood, Skip Press has written an article headlined:

Scientology Exposed: Tom Cruise's Strange Pal

In it ( http://tiny.cc/Ki4pA ) he writes: "Now the St. Petersburg Times has done a massive expose on David Miscavige, who took over from Hubbard in running the so-called religion. Before heading up Scientology, Miscavige was (among other things) a financial messenger for Hubbard, depositing monies in European banks and thus knowing where it all could be found when the science-fiction writer turned guru died at his ranch in central California screaming about "body thetans" he thought were haunting and bedeviling him. Miscavige, who like Cruise and Travolta apparently never finished high school, was recruited for Scientology's "Sea Organization" by a well-known Hollywood producer who has since left; at the time she was a member of Hubbard's "Commodore's Messenger Organization."

USA Today's "On Deadline'' blog ( http://tiny.cc/B2yBC ) says this: The St. Petersburg Times is running a fascinating three-part series on the Church of Scientology based largely on interviews with four top church executives who have defected.

The Religion New Blog ( http://www.religionnewsblog.com/23505 ) had this to say:

"Note these names: Joe Childs and Thomas C. Tobin. They are reporters for the St. Petersburg Times, and if you see any mud thrown at them, it is likely because these brave folks have written an article - the first in a three-part series - on Scientology.''

P.Z. Myers, a biologist and associate professor at the University of Minnesota, Morris, posts in his blog Pharyngula ( http://tiny.cc/WEUeD )

"Juicy stuff from a mainstream newspaper coming out and hitting Scientology hard: this week and over the next few days, they're publishing a special report on Scientology. If you've followed the cult at all, there's nothing too surprising - it's a scam run by abusive psychotics - but it does have some personal accounts by high-ranking defectors.

"I'm sure there are meetings going on in Clearwater right now where they're plotting revenge.''

Infinite Complancy, a blog by author and journalist Jonny Jacobson, ( http://infinitecomplacency.blogspot.com/ )says:

"Hats off to the St Petersburg Times: by getting two of David Miscavige's key former lieutenants to go public on the violence and abuse at the top of Scientology, they have taken the story mainstream.''

The media aggregator the Daily Beast headlines its post ( http://tiny.cc/wFtYs ):

Scientology's Secrets Revealed

Among the comments is this from Centrist

"Scientology may have nothing to do with Christianity but it most definitely is a church under the law, which is the only definition that matters. Any statement to the contrary is just wrong and a matter of opinion, soft of like anti-abortion extremists calling Dr. George Tiller a murderer even though he committed no crime.

"This trend in America where any Tom, Dick, Harry or pencarolina thinks that their personal opinions constitute a legal definition needs to stop.

"I read the full article on the St. Pete. Times and didn't find it particularly substantive.''

More than 3,600 people have voted for the story on the social networking site, Digg.com. ( http://tiny.cc/JrNT4)

