
2011年12月3日 星期六

Son of the Suppressive Persons - Dustin McGahee

Hi Michael and Denise McGahee!

Dustin McGahee is the head of Youth of Human Rights International at Florida.  This is a front group of the Church of Scientology, and allows Dustin to be somewhat distance from direct association of Scientology.

But this is a joke if you think YHRI is not Scientology.  Dustin is the son of Michael and Denise McGahee, who were both Sea Org members for a couple of years, well before Dustin was born.  Sea Org members are supposed to be the most elite of Scientology believers, working at the core of the church.  But in fact, Sea Org members carry out criminal orders or work as slaves.  See the recent worldwide news about a Sea Org member held in the Freewind for 12 years against her will.

Michael and Denise discovered that Sea Org was not for them and left.  But this is treason for Scientology, as they have signed a billion year contract of employment.  So both of them were declared Suppressive Persons in 1983.

I would have guessed that they wanted to have a baby, where they cannot do so in the Sea Org.  However, that would put Dustin close to 30 years old, instead of 20 he claimed.  Maybe that's brother Ken.  I wouldn't know as I'm not a journalist.

Surprise, surprise, Michael and Denise still believe in Scientology.  This violates the common moral principle of don't do it to others if you don't want it yourselves.  Even Hubbard wrote that down somewhere.  They know what Sea Org is like, and they don't like it.  But its perfectly OK for the thousands of other Sea Org slaves.  This is contraction that they can live with in their convoluted mind.  In the wog real world, this is condition of Confusion.

As a greedy "religion", you can buy your good grace any time.  So they became patrons for donating some $40,000.  Patrons before the year 2006 or so were founding patrons.

But the donation is peanuts in comparison.  Michael just became OTVIII, the highest spiritual status any Scientologist can achieve. And you have to pay dearly for the knowledge and training.  Denise is also OTVI.

They even have the money to lose it to the infamous pyramid scam of Reed Slatkin, a fellow Scientologist.
Michael and Denise are in marketing.  Being Scientologists, their marketing is not what you think.  Like good Scientologists, their profession includes some form of high pressure sale, brain washing, making you buy something you wouldn't normally. 

Michael claimed that he's big in infomercials! It's so yesterday. "All infomercials are lies", is typical of the comments written on Amazon and everywhere else.  You walk into a car dealership because you have little other choice for now.  For anything else there is the internet, if only for research.

For those who still watch infomercials, please consult one of the declassified CIA interrogation manual first.  Nobody should be dumb enough to sit in front of the TV defenseless, subjecting to all the mind controlling techniques throw at them for hours.  Hubbard blend in many of the mind control techniques in the Training Routines.  Anybody should stay away for the same reasons.

If you are that dedicated, the church knows that they can ask for anything.  Naturally they will want Dustin for the Sea Org, which is more profitable than he doing low level OT's.  YHRI is a way to keep him out of Sea Org, and to avoid expensive Scientology training.

Michael and Denise don't need the church.  As OTVIII, the church wants them if only for publicity.  If they don't agree with the Sea Org, they can do something about it by leaving the church or something.  Many OT's do leave as they are supposed to be able to handle anything the church throw at them, or anybody else throws at them.

Now Keep Scientology Working seems to be becoming independent.  Marty survives and Helen Chen seems prospering without the church "taxing" them heavily.  I don't like them a bit but I have no excuse to attack them, other than inviting them to discuss the disgraceful lies of Hubbard, calling fake science science, and calling sophistry philosophy.

For any other religion you can believe for free.  For Scientology, the church will come after any Scientologist if you don't join them and pay for the privilege.

That's all for the moment folks, unless Dustin returns ever again.

1 則留言:

  1. 我雖然不支持但也不反山達基




    以你的方式戰鬥 冏 !!!
