
2011年12月28日 星期三

2011 Review

This has been a wonderful year, starting with the Australian momentum against Scientology, the New Yorker article, and many others that I don't have time to repost in Chinese.

OT8, Helen Chen's movie "Let's fall in love" was reported to have lost 3 million Taiwan dollars back in 2009.  She and her husband declared independence in 2010, and celebrated one year anniversary in March 2011.  I know she has blood in her hands, but the apparent prosperity of her academy in LA and Taipei serves a purpose.  That nobody is going to prosecute you if you leave the cult.  Only the cult is going to prosecute you because religion is not free for them.  I can't fault her because every staff wear a T-shirt with the word "company" on it.  I can't even blame her for hiding Scientology from sight, because they have no license for it.  She is even considering a branch in the South.

The head of Taiwan Family Care Association, a closet scilon, issued a DMCA like take down notice on an article in our Yahoo blog for using their pictures.  He assured me that the police will contact me.  I'm sure they can send me an email if they are retarded enough.

It just happened that the Association submitted a declaration to the regulatory body that they are fund raising to build a school, like a half-way house.  One Sea Org slave is one too many.  I sent a quick email to the authorities with the list of scilon activities they posted themselves.  It must be very effective because the guy got mad, and commented on every one of our articles concerning the Association.

It was a complicated setup.  The Association is staffed by teachers doing social work with connections in both departments.  The head said he is happy that he now returned to be a school teacher.  But the Asso still has at least one scilon staff, and very likely there are some bigger scilons behind it.

The volunteer ministers went to New Zealand, they went to Japan.  But most of the time they have some 10 ministers, mostly from Taiwan, and a few Japanese.  We helped with the harpoons and got a response from Consulate of Japan.  I think if we didn't do anything, they still don't have more than 10 people to spare to send to Japan.

This year they use Central Daily Internet News for press releases.  There were no others.  I doubt anybody is reading the releases but for them no releases means nothing, no stat.  We kept complaining to the editors and on the discussion boards, until we were banned.  That was counted as a win.  Then near the end of the year, no more Central Daily News releases.  Their non-profit news letter were also inactive.  Before that, they only mention schools without names, quote councilors without names.  The obvious reason is that who ever they named, they will have to take them off their list.  You can't con the same persons twice.

Just when we were about to celebrate, they use printed newspapers, an old favorite before Central Daily, and other news outlets.  The problem is that you can comment on them.  Just in time for the Valeska Paris news.  It was total disarray.

Narconon charges some NTD $500,000.  It's a bargain compared to US but still few takers.  It's news whenever they have a graduation party for one.  Maybe that's why the course is some 8 months long to avoid long periods of having no students, and to make the price tag more palatable.

On the other hand, Criminon is spreading into more prisons.  I think it's no more than them sending volunteers regularly into prisons as instructors, instead of pure distance learning courses as in US and UK.  Religion and everything else are welcomed in TW prisons as long as you provide volunteers.

Scientologists' favorite "professional" race driver Nikki Lanik and "singer" Dustin McGahee started a surprise tour around the country in Summer. 
They managed to enter about 4 universities to represent 4 corners of the country, plus schools and other press release generating meetings.  They could get in because they rented one of many stalls in some open events.  When the word got out in other places, they got cold shoulders and were given the a student canteen.  Some organizers just leave the scilons to do their own show.  The exception is Kun Shan University in the South.  They have ample warnings, decided to go ahead, even published their own press release on it.  The problem is that they have a Facebook presence.  We have been using their page for our press releases on occasions, the biggest was on Oct 1, to celebrate the National Day of the PRC.

I figured out how it worked.  These ambassadors are all offsprings of OT8's.  Youth for Human Rights International don't have much of a budget.  Mary Shutterworth tried to raise $10,000 online and got only a few hundred, from a few persons.  These guys may have to pay their tickets and hotels.  Some expenses may be written off by some wealthy local scilons, or the local missions have to find the money for it.  They also raise money in these event if they can.  They sold signed autographs for US$30, and posters for US$100, to school kids!  Dustin also sold his CD's.  After Dustin was gone, he sent in 300 more CD's to sell.  These guys have small budgets.

The 8th Human rights submit at Geneva is a flop.  For unknown reasons they held it in a hotel, instead of the Plaza of Nations that they tried all means to get in every year. The collaborator, recognized NGO, Village Sussie, was noticeably absent, except a mention in the press release after the event.  They held some sort of competition in third world countries and select some students to come over to report their progress in Human Rights.  Altogether this is cheap publicity.  Invited officials can sign off their expenses with their own organization, having a nice summer break in Geneva.  Some of the conference expenses are obviously written off by a wealthy scilon family, who is seen on nearly all pictures.  And that's why they are raising money $30 at a time.  If they can afford one more ticket, they can sent one more student to come over to take pictures, for a day of motel room, or for a train ticket.

It is very heart warming to see that they held their Maiden Voyage event twice, and some other IAS events twice.

Facebook is no. 2 in Taiwan that's why we are there.  There is a search category of "public posts" that we somehow got in front page but not sure how.  Scilons responded by reporting the posts to get the person verified.  We don't do that.  That's why we can't make much friends, but keep changing names and using new accounts.

The Yahoo search engine, no. 1 in Taiwan, basically becomes Bing.  But it is just as stupid.  Our ranking is down because it discriminates against blog posts, against hosting servers of major competitors, and reward very old sites with high cumulative hits.  The consolation is that our Facebook page ranked much higher than before, because Bing is also the search engine there.

The failure to translate the Basics on schedule into Chinese is formally acknowledged.  Probably never will.  In true scilon fashion, they blame each others.  Translators were blamed for their incompetence.  They in turn blame the publics for not helping to be translators.

Niko Papaheriklis, the other offspring of OT8, became active only in his neighborhood.  He claimed that he got the DC Mayor to endorse YHRI and declare Human Rights day on Oct 1.  They claimed similar things in the Human Rights walk in San Jose.  But they didn't show certificates or pictures.  I think they lied or distorted the truth by a lot.  Anyway, Niko picked the Busboys and Poets in DC to celebrate the event a week later, of all the places.  He never mentioned that again.

To celebrate the 40th birthday of Scandal of Scientology, we made Chinese subtitles for videos once again.  We went on to do a few more such as Hy Levy and of course Vel Paris.  There are not a lot of hits but always more than subtitled versions of scilon promotions.

Scilon consultants are everywhere in the insurance industry.  It's worth mentioning that South Hill Life Insurance use lawsuits to try silencing employees during a dispute.  It was a bit like a miniature Scientology vs Chanology 2.0.  The unions resorted to protest at the headquarter.  The company applied permits for events to prevent them.  The unions took the protests to small branches over the country.  The company uses truck tech to block them.  The unions went mobile driving around.

The International Human Rights Walks in December 10 is another downstat.  Two OT8 offsprings flew across the world, only for Dustin to sing in front of elementary students at one school, several hours away from Taipei.  They left before the main occasion.  There were no other pictures except from India, that even the scilons are not proud to show in the Church magazines.

I was wrong in predicting that Niki relocated to California with a boy friend visa, her girlfriend being a rich older woman and a scilon.  He managed to become a father.  So on top of not having a single race in the foreseeable future,  he has another good reason to quit the YHRI activities.  Dustin still wanted to sing, but his last performance was in an elementary school with Chinese speaking children, without a 2nd mic stand for his guitar!

It seems that scilons are being kicked out into the streets, where that is the only place they can still show some stats because they infiltrated local volunteer organizations to give them more heads for the pictures.  It was in the district of our only Scientology collaborator and City Councilor of Kao Hsiung.  It was he who booked a room in the City Council to allow scilons to hold a Human Rights speakers training event.  I would say everybody in the small room are scilons from all over the country.  For these reasons he got a page in Wikipedia documenting his alleged role in illegal campaigning expenses, and being indicted for fraud.

Ms V Paris's news is so damaging that the ex-banker scilon or his followers started to take down our articles with him in it.  Half of the hits are from Google so they can't touch that.

In education, we are not too far behind Italy.  We have a scilon as Vice Chancellor of the National University of Education, one of the body for training teachers.  She went on TV with scilons, she lectures in missions, but we had no grounds for complain, until she was caught promoting "The Way To Happiness" to future teachers far away from her home turf.

It's a wonderful year and the stat can only spiral downwards.

