
2011年7月23日 星期六




我們的下一個客人、一個詩人、作家、電影製片人、教育家、攝影師......我省略了些東西。這兄弟是驚人的,你在進入一種享受。我在進入了一些麻煩, 你將會找出原因。




在家庭團聚裏,在孩子的桌子上,我們從來不談他。…… 但他是我的曾祖父,羅恩·賀伯特。

拉斐特·羅恩·賀伯特,他是天生的講故事人,科幻作家,有金舌頭的流浪漢,可以在任何馬桶上寫書, 當出版商在樓下酒店大堂等候。又一個名字在廉價商店、低俗小說上,每頁只付一分錢。

直到1949年,他說:「你想知道怎樣富起來? 你始創一門宗教。」一年後,他信守他自己的話,寫成戴尼提,轉科幻爲事實,直到你可以支付費用,使你的頭腦無脈衝。





















I'm excited about this. This is going to make history.

Our next guest, a poet, writer, filmmaker, educator, photographer ...

I'm leaving stuff out. This brother is amazing and you are in for a treat. I'm in for some trouble and you are about to find out why.

Mr Jamie DeWolf.

Every family has a black sheep. On my mother's side a black sheep was a shepherd, who enslaves his own flock, the king of the cons. A man who made himself the messiah, even though he never called himself a god.

Even tonight, his words are written in steel, in titanium capsules and in nuclear reinforced bunkers miles underground. So if our whole species goes extinct, his words will still survive.

He was the subject we never talked about at the kid's table at family reunions, but he was my great-grandfather, L. Ron Hubbard.

Lafayette Ron Hubbard, he was born a storyteller, a science fiction writer, a golden tongue drifter who could write a book in any john while the publisher waited downstairs in the hotel lobby.

Just another name on dime store pulp mags, paid only a penny a page, until 1949 when he said, "You want to know how you really get rich? You start a religion."

A year later he kept to his words, wrote Dianetics, transforming science-fiction into fact until you could pay to flatline your mind for a fee.

Overnight he went from pennies to a prophet. And to the world demanding to see his evidence, but L Ron knew if you don't have facts, all you need is faith. So he turned his science into a religion, and Scientology was born.

A few years later his son arrives, a baby who has survived an early abortion attempt, born premature two pounds two ounces, abandoned by his father as he sought fame and fortune. Now he emerged to take his part of the new family business. He is my grandfather, L Ron Hubbard Junior.

Carrying his father's name and his red hair, Junior became his right-hand man, and was a devout disciple and a believer, helping him to construct the church.

And it took him years to realize he was only another accomplice, trained in the arts of electrified hypnotism, blackmail, and beat downs. He learned to hide his crimes behind his charisma.

And it took him a decade to see the holes behind the holy, the man behind the myth, his father stuffing thousands of dollars in a shoe box he kept secret underneath the bed, his father burning incriminating documents before dawn, his father escaping criminal charges as he ran from state to state. His Junior watched his family and friends brains washed, banks broken.

Sickened by what he has seen behind the curtain, in 1959 Junior left.

But his father always understood retribution better than redemption, and he stalked his son with wire taps, break-ins and death threats. My grandfather coming home to photographs of his children in his mailbox, playing on playgrounds alone and unguarded, to remind him the eyes of the pyramid never blinks.

Every one of my aunts and uncles were taught how to use a gun. The son forced to live like his dad permanently on the run until he changed his last name from Hubbard to DeWolf, a lie to protect him from ever having to tell the truth.

When your father has created a religion in your lifetime there's no son big enough to ever escape his shadow, but there's a thin line between prophecy and psychosis and the bare face messiah ran from countries in criminal charges, an international outlaw on a ship, escaping extradition.

Insanity slips in and he started confusing his pass from his fiction, until one day he vanished, before courtroom or a jail cell can ever make him real again.

Junior, now buried under debt, tried to flush his father out of hiding to write him a check. So he litigated the holy ghost to prove he still had flesh. The son took his war public to scrape the idols gold down to rust.

Junior, now a dying diabetic with an amputated foot, buried and battered from a decade of lawsuits against the man who carried his same name, until the day his dad died in hiding, cremated the next morning, leaving only a legacy of ashes.

The church gave the son one final offer - arrest your tongue, swallow the truth for one final check, or you and your next-of-kin will face a lifetime of threats. So he signed away his silence and took his secrets and two heart attacks to his grave. Another victim the church stopped pretending to save.

On Thanksgiving, in a house a self-made god paid for, his great-grandchildren never said his name. He was the one god we never gave grace to. One day my grandfather lead me to a bookshelf and show me volumes of his father's works.

He said, “Your mom says you want to be a writer. Well, don't believe everything you read but believe everything you say.”

I never met the man who gave me my red hair, but the manic depression still twisted in the strains of my DNA.

And the first time I saw a psychiatrist, when he asked me if mental illness run in my family, all I can say was yes! Yes it does! When I told him my great grandfather was a cult leader that enslaves the minds of millions, he accused me of having delusions of grandeur. What can I say? It runs in my veins.

I've been in secret to L Ron Hubbard Hollywood life exhibits where his latest victim leads me on a tour of the life he never lead. My family written out of existence and his disciple will never know the legacy of lies that are still carried in my last name - DeWolf - a cover story to protect us from my great-grandfather's true children - the army of empty, who greet me in train stations with an E-meter and a personality test.

And they ask me if I've ever heard of L Ron Hubbard. And I want to ask them which one? The son or the father. The god or the man.

