- 每月和特擊示威繼續在環球的山達基機構之外舉行,進入第二年了,使我想起前「不日落國」(英國),曾經在這個行星上,任何時間必有英國國旗在日間懸掛。前山達基人說看到示威者在門口是很有效的。
- 目前有許多控告山達基的重大訴訟,原因包括「非正常死亡」和「販運人口」。所有這些訴訟目前正在有利於原告的情況下(即山達基的議案,一般被拒絕,原告提出的議案,一般可獲准)。
- 聖彼得斯堡時報刊登了一項大型系列文章,詳細介紹了暴躁的山達基領導大衛.密斯凱維吉 ,以及山達基主管人員的一般犯罪和虐待行為。此系列可在www.truthrundown.org 讀取。
- 加州 KESQ 電視台的記者彌敦.巴卡,帶來了一個很好的報道,調查發生在沙漠上,山達基的「黃金基地」裏,對人權和其他的侵犯 。在黃金基地,一個準軍事部隊的「海洋機構」,隊員工作每星期100小時,週薪不到50美元,住在骯髒、擁擠的營房,並被謹慎地監視,防止逃跑。事實上,黃金基地的圍牆,有銳利的長釘指向基地之內,以防止逃走。此外,不幸的山達基首席代言人湯米.戴維斯,在接受採訪時 ,在記者到巴卡引領之下,承認「7千500萬年前的星系邪惡獨裁者 Xenu」,是組成山達基不可分割的部分經文。 澳大利亞第九電視台的新聞節目亦包括相當多的、強而有力的山達基負面報道,就像在美國主要電視台ABC的夜線節目。夜線主持記者馬田.巴希爾 (Martin Bashir) 要求有關 Xenu問題的明確答復,首席發言人湯米.戴維斯,神奇地發脾氣,一怒之下在節目中途不顧而去。兩個主要山達基分支在法國因「有組織性的詐騙」被定罪,被判支付罰金超過 €600,000。四個主要邪教組織的官員緩期徒刑由18個月至兩年,以及罰款,範圍從€5,000到€30,000。這只是山達基最近在法國被定罪的一些欺詐行為,事實上,這個邪教組織的創始人 L.羅恩賀伯特,他在1978年因欺詐行為被定罪,至死仍然是逃犯。
- 有幾本重要的新書,揭露高層山達基叛徒的內幕故事。約翰.杜伊格南的「情結:一個內幕者暴露山達基的秘密世界」,發表在2月。南希.民利的「我的億元合同:一個前山達基人的回憶錄」在10月出版。馬克.黑德利的「爆得好:鐵幕背後的山達基」在11月出版。在目前,「爆得好」在有關山達基的亞馬遜 (Amazon) 暢銷書鎊上排行第一, 「我的億元合同」排第三。
- 在10月,好萊塢編劇兼導演保羅.哈吉斯公開離開山達基。哈吉斯感到懊惱,因為發言人戴維斯拒絕承認山達基的惡性做法,「斷絕」批評者與所有的山達基親人聯絡,以及這個邪教組織支持加州的反家庭第八命題表決。哈吉斯知道「斷絕」做法是山達基邪教的核心,因為自己的妻子被勒令停止與她的父母交談。
- 在11月,澳大利亞參議員尼克.色諾芬呼籲參議院調查山達基在該國的犯罪活動。與此同時,澳大利亞警方公開批評,邪教阻撓他們調查年輕士兵自殺。這名年輕人,愛德華.麥克布賴德,在這之前幾個月,曾花費 2萬5千美元在山達基課程上,在他去世的前一天,山達基辦事處給他幾十個電話和短信,受到嚴重壓力。
2009年12月31日 星期四
2009 世界回顧
GLORY MARCABIA: Human Rights Activists Celebrate 2009's Many Wins Against Scientology Cult
2009 台灣回顧
香港北角中學有人錯把山達基那可拿的連結放在學校網上,收到建議後即時撤除。香港戴尼提中心在新地方企圖死灰復燃,但像真正死了。深鎮特區有第一所山達基機構—應用教育APS的英文學校,主管瑪麗也題供電話聽析服務。舊鎮長因為貪污被撤,新鎮長將會受到反山達基教育。APS 一般是山達基用來過橋的,過了後便板也不理了,悅讀學堂要小孩子在馬路旁邊舉旗來招收學生,又用山達基有名的「進退兩難」手法來招收教員,也增加收入,訓練收費昂貴,受僱了退款,但離職要歸還。
山達基志願牧師的真相在救災的網站被揭露,眾網主無理刪除,還強說謊話,挽救心靈不是救災嗎?廷廷 Xdite 也擋不了真相的衝擊,只有請求人肉搜索,殺錯了人,腦殘。受害者可能是好心人,用TOR幫助伊朗人民躲避新聞審查,幫助伊朗義士身份保密。莫拉克走後,Xdite 的噗浪受到機器人拜訪,迫使她登出。噗浪竟然禁了反審查的代理伺服器,但金盾也擋不了的,小小噗浪怎樣擋? 噗浪是被金盾禁了的,噗浪禁了無界瀏覽等,是不是自己禁自己?
大眾應當知道山達基的魔爪多處是,南投縣教育處劉仲成處長在他的「溝通」演講中推羅恩賀伯特。OT吳英辰,台南幫後人,被吃了的萬通銀行主管,很少露面,但繼續通過腦殘的嘴巴散播謊話 — 張瑞竹說,有獄長因為推行Criminon(那可拿、無犯罪)而升職! 無犯罪最近以第二次機會的名字犯了罪,被阿爾伯克基城市長下令關閉,首腦欠債60萬美元而逃。劉瓊淑被貶到沒影響力的兩廳院。
王君卉教育講師被學校警告不要談宗教信仰,書店、補習社等開始不再歡迎,只有在網外的台中凱文美語施展「援助法」術。林佩琪老師被踢出「九天民俗技藝團」, 一個行政院青年輔導委員會『少年On Light 計畫』的課程。
那可拿、無犯罪在花蓮拋磚引玉,免費舉辦,希望在全國推行。在花蓮看守所網站上,宣告目的要用科學方法來考查其它康復方法,但那可拿、無犯罪何時譲別人公開觀察、批評?學怎樣譲人欠債60萬美元而逃?立法委員趙麗雲在2007已推那可拿、無犯罪,有幸所有台灣監獄已付出每犯人每月一萬美元來康復,有效果是無價的,但山達基只會說謊。花蓮官僚未拜訪麥當勞嗎? 引入了後是世界一樣的,別的中心口頭虐待、性虐待,前犯人僱員用毒、犯罪,主管欠債而逃,若果花蓮中心將來不會發生,也不是那可拿、無犯罪了,不用付教會大筆執照費。
香港北角中學有人錯把山達基那可拿的連結放在學校網上,收到建議後即時撤除。香港戴尼提中心在新地方企圖死灰復燃,但像真正死了。深鎮特區有第一所山達基機構—應用教育APS的英文學校,主管瑪麗也題供電話聽析服務。舊鎮長因為貪污被撤,新鎮長將會受到反山達基教育。APS 一般是山達基用來過橋的,過了後便板也不理了,悅讀學堂要小孩子在馬路旁邊舉旗來招收學生,又用山達基有名的「進退兩難」手法來招收教員,也增加收入,訓練收費昂貴,受僱了退款,但離職要歸還。
山達基志願牧師的真相在救災的網站被揭露,眾網主無理刪除,還強說謊話,挽救心靈不是救災嗎?廷廷 Xdite 也擋不了真相的衝擊,只有請求人肉搜索,殺錯了人,腦殘。受害者可能是好心人,用TOR幫助伊朗人民躲避新聞審查,幫助伊朗義士身份保密。莫拉克走後,Xdite 的噗浪受到機器人拜訪,迫使她登出。噗浪竟然禁了反審查的代理伺服器,但金盾也擋不了的,小小噗浪怎樣擋? 噗浪是被金盾禁了的,噗浪禁了無界瀏覽等,是不是自己禁自己?
大眾應當知道山達基的魔爪多處是,南投縣教育處劉仲成處長在他的「溝通」演講中推羅恩賀伯特。OT吳英辰,台南幫後人,被吃了的萬通銀行主管,很少露面,但繼續通過腦殘的嘴巴散播謊話 — 張瑞竹說,有獄長因為推行Criminon(那可拿、無犯罪)而升職! 無犯罪最近以第二次機會的名字犯了罪,被阿爾伯克基城市長下令關閉,首腦欠債60萬美元而逃。劉瓊淑被貶到沒影響力的兩廳院。
王君卉教育講師被學校警告不要談宗教信仰,書店、補習社等開始不再歡迎,只有在網外的台中凱文美語施展「援助法」術。林佩琪老師被踢出「九天民俗技藝團」, 一個行政院青年輔導委員會『少年On Light 計畫』的課程。
那可拿、無犯罪在花蓮拋磚引玉,免費舉辦,希望在全國推行。在花蓮看守所網站上,宣告目的要用科學方法來考查其它康復方法,但那可拿、無犯罪何時譲別人公開觀察、批評?學怎樣譲人欠債60萬美元而逃?立法委員趙麗雲在2007已推那可拿、無犯罪,有幸所有台灣監獄已付出每犯人每月一萬美元來康復,有效果是無價的,但山達基只會說謊。花蓮官僚未拜訪麥當勞嗎? 引入了後是世界一樣的,別的中心口頭虐待、性虐待,前犯人僱員用毒、犯罪,主管欠債而逃,若果花蓮中心將來不會發生,也不是那可拿、無犯罪了,不用付教會大筆執照費。
2009年12月29日 星期二
Scientology in the Chinese world 2009
Due to complains from Scientologists, including (minor) celebrities, Yahoo Taiwan (Kimo) added CAPTCHA when one responds to other people's blogs with one's own blog posts. This is a win, an acknowledgment. Who's afraid of the truth?
The war against Helen Chan's (OT7) movie, "Let's fall in love", started in March. It's wrong that the propaganda movie disguised itself as a documentary, spread false hope, and promoted Helen's FSM group, an Scientology organization that misrepresents itself, often being thought of as a dating club, offering solutions in life. For each occurrence of the movie on the web, comments about the truth were left, if it could be left.
Against all odds, failing to get 500 small investors, Warner Brothers stepped in to release the movie nationally. Soon, similarly negative opinions dominated all polls and opinions about the movie in a huge way. Not only that the movie received rare positive ratings, but all other movies at the same week, the week before, the week after, and similar Taiwan movies, all received extremely positive ratings. In return for censoring negative opinions, the truth of the movie was exposed on the front page of Yahoo Movies at will. It doesn't matter if protesters were robots, hired cheap soldiers, volunteer army, pissed off victims, or just pissed off by the movie and Scientology. Few was sure but all was good for the opposition.
The movie had great trouble in the opening day at the end of August, and it's fate was sealed in the first weekend. Often the cinema screens became one's private - no other audiences. Despite an official rescue mission, with the director attending showings, in days the national release turned into a single screen release, where it had always been.
Chinese Wikipedia wasn't that useful because this anti-Scientology blog can be easily found via Google, but the war went on. The only thing going for Scientologists is that some editors cannot accept badly written Chinese articles after Google translation and corrective editing, even though the contents were very important, a matter of life and death. And also that editors do not reject unreliable sources, those from the Church of Scientology websites that Scientologists can only quote, because they are not suppose to read other things on the Internet! For each successful addition to the Scientology pages, it triggered an updated with the current great news from Germany and France, and there have been plenty of great news all over the world.
Scientologists, entering schools at will in 2008 via anti-drug talks, were being kicked out of schools altogether, in some cases with help from the mayor. Attempts at human right talks to students were rejected. Teacher training courses and parent talks were also not successful. Our faded starlet Rachel Chang still insisted to go into primary schools to talk human rights and promote Hubbard's name, all because she was promised discounts off future OT courses. She was that dumb and CoS cannot get rid of her without further negative PR! A few teachers, ignorant or otherwise Scientologists, taught from the Human right and Way to happiness DVD's. The problem of schools are that they are not that well connected, in the mental sense, to the web in remote counties. And that not all school principles and parent associations realize that they have the obligation to be reached via email, even though mostly could be spams from students.
While failing in other parts of the world, front groups were setup with no direct ties to the Church. A guy founded the East Taiwan family services (台灣安心家庭關懷協會), who also controls the East Taiwan Story House. ETFS was partially county funded. It was exposed to be carrying out Scientology activities on the side, with lectures on Scientology believes by Scientologists. "Front Group" was originally translated as something like a "scam organization". The founder lost his cool and declared on his blog that their organization was legitimate. On disaster relieve, volunteers arriving at the organization are taught by Scientologists on various assist techniques, to be applied later to "help" victims.
The Purification foundation, an Buddhist charity responsible for importing Narconon, has a curious relationship with Scientology. The foundation obtained public funding for anti-drug activities, but some lectures were presented by Narconon staff. Most activities of the foundation seems to have no relation to Scientology, but at least one staff praised LRH.
Some clueless high school students, or librarians, or teachers in an Hong Kong high school put Narconon on their website. Once exposed, like any other school in the world, they took it down immediately. The Hong Kong center was trying to reborn but haven't heard from it again. There is an Applied Scholastics center next to Hong Kong, inside China (ROC). There is one Mary who teaches English and also offer auditing via phone. APS is perhaps the first Scientology outpost in Taiwan. Now it is very quiet, and it resorted to using children waving signs outside of the school to recruit, and used the famous freeloading technique to get staff and income - paying big money for training, which will be refunded if staying on as staff.
It became clear that the library campaign is probably a success in Taiwan, while failed miserably in the world. Perhaps the Taiwan campaign was already an ongoing one for years. Many public schools, including primary/elementary, have Dianetics (in Chinese) in their libraries. It's a big conspiracy that Chinese Dianetics was classified as mental therapy by the central library, while the original Dianetics received the same classification as in the rest of the world, as a new religion.
8/8 came the Morakot disaster. The silliness and ineffectiveness of the Volunteer Minister was exposed right in front of the locals. The Taiwan press release of VM came one day later than the opposition exposing the assist scams. Assists were taken out of the releases, with the way to happiness leaflet in it's place. One Scilon reporter, 許謹麗, responsible for a Scientology Channel in an online newspaper, wrote her last press release on VM and was never heard of again.
It was a big opportunity to warn against the VMs in the number one disaster relief website, but the webmaster censored the discrete warning messages. Obviously she didn't know that the anonymous movement was started because of censorship. She even resorted to CAPTCHA before realizing that it was too silly for a disaster relief website, and gave up altogether. Another website kept the CAPTCHA and the silliness though. The message was spread far and wide, so much so that the top mission holder couldn't keep his cool and named names (handles) in his response, acknowledging that the opposition did well.
The webmaster resorted to human flesh search to find out who posted the anti-scientology messages. Being anonymous, it just couldn't be found out. Human flesh search became a joke for the wrong person, probably helping the Iranians via TOR, was blamed. After Morakot was gone, the webmaster was publicly humiliated at his Plurk, a Twitter like account. He was forced to quit for the day, being overwhelmed by responses. Plurk even helped by banning anti-censorship proxies. But being field tested thoroughly by the Chinese (PRC), the ban was only effective for short periods. Other times, Plurk, banned by the PRC itself, banned it's Chinese users from reaching it via anti-censorship proxies!
It was discovered that after the earthquake in China a couple of years ago, the Taiwanese Red Cross coordinated some medium to long term programs. It seems that the local govt, having no money, let the quack's in to have something to show for it's people without the need for any budget. One of the quacks is Scientology.
In the year end local elections, two politicians who expressed concern on Scientology were elected, while one who promoted TWTH didn't have enough votes to keep her deposit!
The public should be more aware that Scientology has it's claws everywhere, and not at all harmless to people who do not believe any of it. The head of education of a small county 南投縣教育處劉仲成處長 quoted LRH in his "communications" lecture. Ng Ying Chen 吳英辰, one of the heir to a well known family, and the head of a family bank sold, an OT and mission holder, is elusive but still spread lies to public Scientologists. It is probably due to his legacy that a credit card promotion has Dianetics on it's to buy list. A high ranking education official 劉瓊淑 was demoted to administering the national opera.
A private sector educator, 王君卉, who does not license any LRH technology, promotes Scientology via applying assists to children and now TWTH. After receiving complains, schools warned her in advance not to involve religion in free parental courses she offered to schools. Venues to hold her courses were reduced as bookshops and private tutoring schools do not want to involve. A Scilon was forced out of an apprenticeship program for high school drop outs, possibly after continuous exposure of Scientology activities, including letters to the mayor.
The only and small Criminon outfit is in the city 花蓮. Written on the prison website, the duty of officials include using scientific methods to evaluate alternatives for rehab, including Criminon. How contradicting! Scilons give it away for free, hoping for national implementation one day. A member of the legislative council 立法委員趙麗雲 pushed Criminon back in 2007. With any luck the public would have been paying CoS big money for nothing, even harming it's prisoners.
In another prison, anything goes, probably as long as it's free. Scientology was given the task of a reading club. Drug rehab was given to Falun Gong, a registered charity but not as a religion in Taiwan. So Scientology's ally Falun Gong may become it's major competitor. If true, Scientology doesn't stand a chance due to the numbers.
Herbalife products were discovered to be containing lead up to 12 times the legal limit. An active Scientologists working on Herbalife's major competitor rejoiced, only to find out that Herbalife was a major WISE member.
Last year CCHR's Human Rights campaign was in full force, playing on the public's fear of depression screening in schools, accusing a well known charity in collaboration with Pfizer to promote drugs. This year there was only a small YFHR carnival in Central Taiwan. The organizers were busy responding to negative press releases, before the carnival was held. They did succeed to take the picture of the vice mayor in front of a big LRH quote. He attended the same event last year. A mysterious guest didn't materialize.
The year end foot bullet occurred at the city of 高雄, a Human Rights City. The human rights learning center「人權學堂」was opened in Nov. Some fanatic Scilon slipped in LRH amongst the human rights greats, including MLK and Lincoln. The "mistake" was corrected as soon as it was discovered. Now LRH was being kicked out of 高雄, the number one Scilon city in Taiwan.
I shouldn't have written all these, with no time for it to be readable. Can't wait for a brand new year for a new offensive.
The war against Helen Chan's (OT7) movie, "Let's fall in love", started in March. It's wrong that the propaganda movie disguised itself as a documentary, spread false hope, and promoted Helen's FSM group, an Scientology organization that misrepresents itself, often being thought of as a dating club, offering solutions in life. For each occurrence of the movie on the web, comments about the truth were left, if it could be left.
Against all odds, failing to get 500 small investors, Warner Brothers stepped in to release the movie nationally. Soon, similarly negative opinions dominated all polls and opinions about the movie in a huge way. Not only that the movie received rare positive ratings, but all other movies at the same week, the week before, the week after, and similar Taiwan movies, all received extremely positive ratings. In return for censoring negative opinions, the truth of the movie was exposed on the front page of Yahoo Movies at will. It doesn't matter if protesters were robots, hired cheap soldiers, volunteer army, pissed off victims, or just pissed off by the movie and Scientology. Few was sure but all was good for the opposition.
The movie had great trouble in the opening day at the end of August, and it's fate was sealed in the first weekend. Often the cinema screens became one's private - no other audiences. Despite an official rescue mission, with the director attending showings, in days the national release turned into a single screen release, where it had always been.
Chinese Wikipedia wasn't that useful because this anti-Scientology blog can be easily found via Google, but the war went on. The only thing going for Scientologists is that some editors cannot accept badly written Chinese articles after Google translation and corrective editing, even though the contents were very important, a matter of life and death. And also that editors do not reject unreliable sources, those from the Church of Scientology websites that Scientologists can only quote, because they are not suppose to read other things on the Internet! For each successful addition to the Scientology pages, it triggered an updated with the current great news from Germany and France, and there have been plenty of great news all over the world.
Scientologists, entering schools at will in 2008 via anti-drug talks, were being kicked out of schools altogether, in some cases with help from the mayor. Attempts at human right talks to students were rejected. Teacher training courses and parent talks were also not successful. Our faded starlet Rachel Chang still insisted to go into primary schools to talk human rights and promote Hubbard's name, all because she was promised discounts off future OT courses. She was that dumb and CoS cannot get rid of her without further negative PR! A few teachers, ignorant or otherwise Scientologists, taught from the Human right and Way to happiness DVD's. The problem of schools are that they are not that well connected, in the mental sense, to the web in remote counties. And that not all school principles and parent associations realize that they have the obligation to be reached via email, even though mostly could be spams from students.
While failing in other parts of the world, front groups were setup with no direct ties to the Church. A guy founded the East Taiwan family services (台灣安心家庭關懷協會), who also controls the East Taiwan Story House. ETFS was partially county funded. It was exposed to be carrying out Scientology activities on the side, with lectures on Scientology believes by Scientologists. "Front Group" was originally translated as something like a "scam organization". The founder lost his cool and declared on his blog that their organization was legitimate. On disaster relieve, volunteers arriving at the organization are taught by Scientologists on various assist techniques, to be applied later to "help" victims.
The Purification foundation, an Buddhist charity responsible for importing Narconon, has a curious relationship with Scientology. The foundation obtained public funding for anti-drug activities, but some lectures were presented by Narconon staff. Most activities of the foundation seems to have no relation to Scientology, but at least one staff praised LRH.
Some clueless high school students, or librarians, or teachers in an Hong Kong high school put Narconon on their website. Once exposed, like any other school in the world, they took it down immediately. The Hong Kong center was trying to reborn but haven't heard from it again. There is an Applied Scholastics center next to Hong Kong, inside China (ROC). There is one Mary who teaches English and also offer auditing via phone. APS is perhaps the first Scientology outpost in Taiwan. Now it is very quiet, and it resorted to using children waving signs outside of the school to recruit, and used the famous freeloading technique to get staff and income - paying big money for training, which will be refunded if staying on as staff.
It became clear that the library campaign is probably a success in Taiwan, while failed miserably in the world. Perhaps the Taiwan campaign was already an ongoing one for years. Many public schools, including primary/elementary, have Dianetics (in Chinese) in their libraries. It's a big conspiracy that Chinese Dianetics was classified as mental therapy by the central library, while the original Dianetics received the same classification as in the rest of the world, as a new religion.
8/8 came the Morakot disaster. The silliness and ineffectiveness of the Volunteer Minister was exposed right in front of the locals. The Taiwan press release of VM came one day later than the opposition exposing the assist scams. Assists were taken out of the releases, with the way to happiness leaflet in it's place. One Scilon reporter, 許謹麗, responsible for a Scientology Channel in an online newspaper, wrote her last press release on VM and was never heard of again.
It was a big opportunity to warn against the VMs in the number one disaster relief website, but the webmaster censored the discrete warning messages. Obviously she didn't know that the anonymous movement was started because of censorship. She even resorted to CAPTCHA before realizing that it was too silly for a disaster relief website, and gave up altogether. Another website kept the CAPTCHA and the silliness though. The message was spread far and wide, so much so that the top mission holder couldn't keep his cool and named names (handles) in his response, acknowledging that the opposition did well.
The webmaster resorted to human flesh search to find out who posted the anti-scientology messages. Being anonymous, it just couldn't be found out. Human flesh search became a joke for the wrong person, probably helping the Iranians via TOR, was blamed. After Morakot was gone, the webmaster was publicly humiliated at his Plurk, a Twitter like account. He was forced to quit for the day, being overwhelmed by responses. Plurk even helped by banning anti-censorship proxies. But being field tested thoroughly by the Chinese (PRC), the ban was only effective for short periods. Other times, Plurk, banned by the PRC itself, banned it's Chinese users from reaching it via anti-censorship proxies!
It was discovered that after the earthquake in China a couple of years ago, the Taiwanese Red Cross coordinated some medium to long term programs. It seems that the local govt, having no money, let the quack's in to have something to show for it's people without the need for any budget. One of the quacks is Scientology.
In the year end local elections, two politicians who expressed concern on Scientology were elected, while one who promoted TWTH didn't have enough votes to keep her deposit!
The public should be more aware that Scientology has it's claws everywhere, and not at all harmless to people who do not believe any of it. The head of education of a small county 南投縣教育處劉仲成處長 quoted LRH in his "communications" lecture. Ng Ying Chen 吳英辰, one of the heir to a well known family, and the head of a family bank sold, an OT and mission holder, is elusive but still spread lies to public Scientologists. It is probably due to his legacy that a credit card promotion has Dianetics on it's to buy list. A high ranking education official 劉瓊淑 was demoted to administering the national opera.
A private sector educator, 王君卉, who does not license any LRH technology, promotes Scientology via applying assists to children and now TWTH. After receiving complains, schools warned her in advance not to involve religion in free parental courses she offered to schools. Venues to hold her courses were reduced as bookshops and private tutoring schools do not want to involve. A Scilon was forced out of an apprenticeship program for high school drop outs, possibly after continuous exposure of Scientology activities, including letters to the mayor.
The only and small Criminon outfit is in the city 花蓮. Written on the prison website, the duty of officials include using scientific methods to evaluate alternatives for rehab, including Criminon. How contradicting! Scilons give it away for free, hoping for national implementation one day. A member of the legislative council 立法委員趙麗雲 pushed Criminon back in 2007. With any luck the public would have been paying CoS big money for nothing, even harming it's prisoners.
In another prison, anything goes, probably as long as it's free. Scientology was given the task of a reading club. Drug rehab was given to Falun Gong, a registered charity but not as a religion in Taiwan. So Scientology's ally Falun Gong may become it's major competitor. If true, Scientology doesn't stand a chance due to the numbers.
Herbalife products were discovered to be containing lead up to 12 times the legal limit. An active Scientologists working on Herbalife's major competitor rejoiced, only to find out that Herbalife was a major WISE member.
Last year CCHR's Human Rights campaign was in full force, playing on the public's fear of depression screening in schools, accusing a well known charity in collaboration with Pfizer to promote drugs. This year there was only a small YFHR carnival in Central Taiwan. The organizers were busy responding to negative press releases, before the carnival was held. They did succeed to take the picture of the vice mayor in front of a big LRH quote. He attended the same event last year. A mysterious guest didn't materialize.
The year end foot bullet occurred at the city of 高雄, a Human Rights City. The human rights learning center「人權學堂」was opened in Nov. Some fanatic Scilon slipped in LRH amongst the human rights greats, including MLK and Lincoln. The "mistake" was corrected as soon as it was discovered. Now LRH was being kicked out of 高雄, the number one Scilon city in Taiwan.
I shouldn't have written all these, with no time for it to be readable. Can't wait for a brand new year for a new offensive.
2009年12月24日 星期四
山達基教徒自殺 其兄要求總理調查 其聽析員脫離教會獨立
2009年12月19日 星期六
山達基宣戰DVD — 聖戰2010
影片開始後,中文翻譯字幕在右下角的選單,點CC旁的箭頭,選 Translate Captions 至中文。
影片開始後,中文翻譯字幕在右下角的選單,點CC旁的箭頭,選 Translate Captions 至中文。
2009年12月18日 星期五
若別人搜索「山達基」,你的網誌標題有山達基才有機會出現在搜索結果! 因此本人的新網誌標題是「假博士羅恩賀伯特的邪教山達基與偽科學戴尼提」。
至於山達基是否邪教?維基百科和媒體有很多辯論,1991 年時代雜誌就以山達基邪教(cult)為標題,山達基控訴失敗。老一輩的山達基人知道山達基不是宗教,只是用來謀取免稅的地位。新一輩的山達基人不想別人看山達基為宗教,在維基百科刪去一切「教」字。不是教,邪不邪沒關係呢?
若別人搜索「山達基」,你的網誌標題有山達基才有機會出現在搜索結果! 因此本人的新網誌標題是「假博士羅恩賀伯特的邪教山達基與偽科學戴尼提」。
至於山達基是否邪教?維基百科和媒體有很多辯論,1991 年時代雜誌就以山達基邪教(cult)為標題,山達基控訴失敗。老一輩的山達基人知道山達基不是宗教,只是用來謀取免稅的地位。新一輩的山達基人不想別人看山達基為宗教,在維基百科刪去一切「教」字。不是教,邪不邪沒關係呢?
2009年12月16日 星期三
戴尼提開始只是又一本自助(self help)書,這些書在美國50年代已流行,讀者多是非專業人士,學歷不高,管理級之下,總結來說,是沒有人會再花錢和時間在他們身上,所以要自助,大發「美國夢」。
良好的企業,聘用了好程度的僱員,必然不會放過他們,要接受訓練,有點工管,看誰攀得快,誰墜得快。有點頭腦控制,使你成為對公司有用的一只蟻。有點使你白忙碌,因為很多剛念完書的人對新職位失望,想跳到別的公司。 沒有跨國公司的關照,只有自學,或走羅恩賀伯特的山寨路徑。
羅恩賀伯特出身是劣紙小說(pulp fiction)作家,千字以美仙計工錢,印刷在最廉價的紙上,廁紙比較柔軟。他也是有證有據的冒牌博士,假大學創辦人。劣紙上的多產作家,竟然被山達基人引用「名言」,不怕笑壞嗎?
戴尼提開始只是又一本自助(self help)書,這些書在美國50年代已流行,讀者多是非專業人士,學歷不高,管理級之下,總結來說,是沒有人會再花錢和時間在他們身上,所以要自助,大發「美國夢」。
良好的企業,聘用了好程度的僱員,必然不會放過他們,要接受訓練,有點工管,看誰攀得快,誰墜得快。有點頭腦控制,使你成為對公司有用的一只蟻。有點使你白忙碌,因為很多剛念完書的人對新職位失望,想跳到別的公司。 沒有跨國公司的關照,只有自學,或走羅恩賀伯特的山寨路徑。
羅恩賀伯特出身是劣紙小說(pulp fiction)作家,千字以美仙計工錢,印刷在最廉價的紙上,廁紙比較柔軟。他也是有證有據的冒牌博士,假大學創辦人。劣紙上的多產作家,竟然被山達基人引用「名言」,不怕笑壞嗎?
2009年12月11日 星期五
2009年12月10日 星期四
2008 美國新墨西哥大學:沒有數據支持成功率,不乎合原定的運作方式。[12]
2008 挪威衛生局:在各大醫學圖書館搜索,只有一個類似實驗性的考查,和五個非實驗性的考查,不能證明那可拿的效用。[13]
1996 瑞典國家衛生和福利委員會:沒有任何文件顯示,賀伯特的方法符合科學的標準和醫療經驗,並不應該用在瑞典的醫療服務。 [14]
1991 美國俄克拉何馬州心理健康委員會:認為那可拿的治療做法,是不安全和無效。[15]
1980 德國西柏林市政府:確定低成功率(最多10%),和發現許多問題,包括利用山達基的做法,如心靈電儀表。[16]
2008 美國新墨西哥大學:沒有數據支持成功率,不乎合原定的運作方式。[12]
2008 挪威衛生局:在各大醫學圖書館搜索,只有一個類似實驗性的考查,和五個非實驗性的考查,不能證明那可拿的效用。[13]
1996 瑞典國家衛生和福利委員會:沒有任何文件顯示,賀伯特的方法符合科學的標準和醫療經驗,並不應該用在瑞典的醫療服務。 [14]
1991 美國俄克拉何馬州心理健康委員會:認為那可拿的治療做法,是不安全和無效。[15]
1980 德國西柏林市政府:確定低成功率(最多10%),和發現許多問題,包括利用山達基的做法,如心靈電儀表。[16]
- http://www.webcitation.org/5kRzTAMxC
- http://www.webcitation.org/5kSC7lxPy
- http://www.webcitation.org/5kS0ADCeN
- http://www.webcitation.org/5kSDpxHJ7
- http://www.webcitation.org/5kSRqY7n9
- http://www.webcitation.org/5kSRtvs82
- http://www.webcitation.org/5kSRxeBhm
- http://www.webcitation.org/5kSSVjGl5
- http://bit.ly/2Q9u8
- http://www.webcitation.org/5kSRcTjtP
- http://www.webcitation.org/5i7v05aTY
- http://bit.ly/gnBGS
- http://bit.ly/13Zb9Y
- http://bit.ly/pliio
- http://bit.ly/c8D9a
- http://bit.ly/kN5VC
2009年12月2日 星期三
''我的辦公室目前正在充分合作經營的新南威爾士州警方的調查機構,''參議員色諾芬昨天說。 他說,一名高級工作人員會見了新南威爾士州人員嚴重罪行隊兩個星期前,他的辦公室收集的檔案,數以百計的指控,因為他的發言得到上個月,提供給警方本星期。
Police investigate Scientology http://bit.ly/4zh8cK
2009年12月1日 星期二
澳大利亞 December 2, 2009 2009年12月2日
Schools linked to Scientology will get $1.6m
.雅典娜學校的許可由國際應用教育協會,具有很強的山達基聯繫。 學校的網站介紹說,從小冊子教的快樂之道 ,寫的山達基的創始人羅恩賀伯特。
聯邦政府將提供一個估計 $367,000美元在這4年的循環資金,Yarralinda學校在維多利亞州Mooroolbark,擁有大約30名學生,,並使用應用教育協會的教學方法。
新南威爾斯綠黨國會議員,約翰凱說,雅典娜學校去年已招收少於50名學生,根據新南威爾士州政府的數字。 他說,陸克文政府,儘管它關切山達基,贊同利用公共資金來支持學校,促進羅恩賀伯特的教學。
Schools linked to Scientology will get $1.6m
.雅典娜學校的許可由國際應用教育協會,具有很強的山達基聯繫。 學校的網站介紹說,從小冊子教的快樂之道 ,寫的山達基的創始人羅恩賀伯特。
聯邦政府將提供一個估計 $367,000美元在這4年的循環資金,Yarralinda學校在維多利亞州Mooroolbark,擁有大約30名學生,,並使用應用教育協會的教學方法。
新南威爾斯綠黨國會議員,約翰凱說,雅典娜學校去年已招收少於50名學生,根據新南威爾士州政府的數字。 他說,陸克文政府,儘管它關切山達基,贊同利用公共資金來支持學校,促進羅恩賀伯特的教學。