
2009年10月31日 星期六


當山達基信徒已35年的保羅.海吉斯(Paul Haggis),寫信給教會發言人湯米.戴維斯(Tommy Davis ),聲明退出該教會。

海吉斯曾以「衝擊效應」(Crash)與「登峰造擊」(Million Dollar Baby)影片連續兩度獲奧斯卡獎。他爲兩片撰寫劇本,並是後者導演。他也製作了很多著名的影片和電視劇本,例如「007量子危機」(Quantum of Solace)和「皇家夜總會」(Casino Royale)。







"The sexual pervert (and by this term Dianetics, to be brief, includes any and all forms of deviation in dynamic two such as homosexuality, lesbianism, sexual sadism, etc., and all down the catalog of Ellis and Krafft-Ebing) is actually quite ill physically."
羅恩賀伯特認爲這些偏差錯亂的人應當從中社會盡快拔除,並關起來,避免不道德的傳染,和品格的毀壞 —《生存的科學》,第一冊,第十三章。

衝擊效應奧斯卡導演海吉斯 退出山達基教會,法新社 http://www.webcitation.org/5kvTz6Y13
Paul Haggis on Scientology: 'Morally reprehensible' , Los Angeles Times http://bit.ly/1mJdkP

* Founder, Artists For Peace and Justice,
* Co-Founder, BrandAid Foundation and BrandAid Project
* Board Member, Office of The Americas
* Board Member, Center For The Advancement of Non-Violence
* Member and active supporter, Amnesty International
* Member, President’s Council, Defenders of Wildlife
* Member and fundraiser, Environment California and CalPirg
* Member and Award Recipient, American Civil Liberties Union
* Member and supporter, Death Penalty Focus
* Member and supporter, Equality For All
* Fundraiser, NPH (Our Little Brothers) – for the children of the slums of Haiti
* Member, Citizens Commission on Human Rights
* Patron with Honors, IAS

* Trustee, Religious Freedom Trust
* Board Member and fundraiser, Hollywood Education and Literacy Project
* Board Member and fundraiser, For The Arts, For Every Child
* Board Member and fundraiser, The Christic Institute
* Founding Board Member, Earth Communication Office
* Working Board Member, Environmental Media Association
* Fundraiser, El Rescate – Human Rights for El Salvador
* Fundraiser, PAVA – Aid and Human Rights in Guatemala

* Valentine Davies Award – Writers Guild of America
*Bill of Rights Award – American Civil Liberties Union
*Hubert H. Humphrey Civil Rights Award – Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
*Peace & Justice Award – Office of the Americas, presented by Daniel Ellsberg
*Signis Award, Venezia, World Catholic Association
*ALMA Award – National Council of Latino Civil Rights
*Ethel Levitt Award for Humanitarian Service – Levitt & Quinn
*Prism Award – Entertainment Industries Council
*Humanitas Prize (2) – Humanitas
*Legacy Award, for Artistic and Humanitarian Achievement
*Environmental Media Award – EMA
*EMA Green Seal Award – EMA
*Image Award – NAACP
*Creative Integrity Award – Multicultural Motion Picture Association
*EDGE Awards (2) – Entertainment Industries Council
*Artistic Freedom Award – City of West Hollywood
*Catholics in Media Award – Catholics in Media Associates

